
神马作文网 范文 87

西北大学(Northwestern University),是美国著名的高等学府之一,这所私人学府位于伊利诺州的埃文斯顿市,临近芝加哥。西北大学于1851年创立,是十大联盟高校之一,2023年US.NEWS排名第9。其中西北大学商学院,在1988年至1994年,连续六年蝉联美国各名牌大学商学院的排名第一位,至今仍是莘莘学子们争相报考的学院。

西北大学以严格录取出名,它作为美国排名前10 学校中唯一一个只有一篇文书的学校,题目也是常见的“Why school”问题,但这看似轻松的文书题目其实也暗藏着不小的挑战,你的文书可能在你的申请中占很大比重,要格外重视哦!


美国西北大学补充文书题目解析及范文参考  范文 第1张

For All Applicants (optional)

While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community.In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

西北大学的文书题目看起来难度不高,是常见的“Why School”问题,但想要在300字的空间里完成一篇内容丰富的文章可不简单。








美国西北大学补充文书题目解析及范文参考  范文 第2张


题目明确地问了“你将如何利用这些资源”,所以在这里你能给出的细节越多越好。例如“新闻”或“政治”,你必须准确地确定你想要真正深入研究的领域的哪些方面。除了“新闻和政治”,你还可以讨论Medill on the Hill 项目如何让你直接从西北大学的华盛顿新闻编辑室获得宝贵的实践经验,以及这将如何帮助你实现成为一名电视作家的目标,甚至涵盖国家层面 LGBT 政治的发展。这将更有针对性,并且更好地描绘了你作为学生和有抱负的专业人士的形象。你描述的细节越多,你的人物形象展示得就越具体。

虽然学术很重要,但西北大学也想知道你将如何在校园社区中互动。你应该花同样多的时间来讨论你的课外兴趣,因为这是在成绩单之外的地方阐明你的性格和创造性思考的能力。选择能够扩展你的目标和学术兴趣的课外活动是十分值得的。例如,对环境充满热情的学生可能会加入In Our Nature,这是一本“旨在将环境带给每个人的无纸化杂志”。

美国西北大学补充文书题目解析及范文参考  范文 第3张



On my visit to Evanston, my tour guide walked backwards facing me the entire time. This struck me as symbolic of Northwestern.

Firstly, while walking backwards my guide made a special effort to connect with me, and I too shall reach out to my communities at Northwestern. As a member of the undergraduate chemistry team, I will join the Chemistry Council and connect with local students to mentor green chemistry projects for their schools, expanding on my work with high school ChemClub.

My guide also walked without seeing, venturing into the unknown. I shall complement my primary training in chemistry with The Institute for Sustainability and Energy’s certificate program--to study disciplines unknown to the core science curriculum that nonetheless impact science research: Environmental Law & Policy interests me since law and policy govern the limitations with which chemists design products. The pending Personal Care Products Safety Act will require safety assessments of ingredients, thereby expanding innovative research to transform the cosmetics industry. ISEN also supports multi-discipline research, and I hope to research toxicology of ingredients.

美国西北大学补充文书题目解析及范文参考  范文 第4张

Finally, my guide took us on detours into Norris, an empty classroom and even to the Lakefill. I too hope to take inspiring digressions. The amazing theatre community at Northwestern excites me the most, as I’ve been a performer since preschool, studying ballet, singing, and theatre. Acting on stage is the most exhilarating experience I know, and working with the theatre tech staff on stage makeup is a great way to build teamwork and make new friends. I hope to get off my main academic track often, enroll in Acting for Non-Majors and Stage Makeup courses, and join the many student theatre groups.

Four years at Northwestern will seem too brief.

在通过Common App申请西北大学时,你必须从它的6所本科学院中选择一所作为自己的主要学院:








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