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新航道雅思作文考试真题范文解析  考试作文 第1张


In the past, people ate local food in season. Nowadays.people buy a variety of food from all over the world and any season. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


1.本题属于社会类话题;当年的考频为19/36 (截止2022年10月31日中国大陆纸笔考试)


3.难点: 社会类常考考点有养老问题、生活方式、城市规划、运动&节日。从上述题目来看,考察比较多的社会类话题,我们能发现个人生活方式的选择是现在其中有各种各样的具体情况,比如购物的方式,选择的食物,运动健身,金钱的分配,对于汽车的使用等等,现象考察的也更具体了。当然也有一些比较热点的话题考察,例如养老,住房等城市规划。 剩下还有一些比较抽象的话题也会存在,例如整体生活质量对比等。所以准备话题的时候还是得全面,同时需要关注社会热点现象和话题。


In many countries, traditional food is being replaced by international fast food. This will have negative effects on family and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(20210424)



Why Food Is Transported

新航道雅思作文考试真题范文解析  考试作文 第2张

Within the United States, foods are transported over long distances for several reasons: to feed densely populated areas that could not otherwise acquire enough food ocally, to provide consumers with greater variety and to capitalise on the advantages of places in producing certain foods.



词汇: densely populated,with greater variety,capitalise on


a)Foods are transported over long distances to feed densely populated areas that could not otherwise acquire enough food locally.

b)Foods are transported over long distances to provide consumers with greater variety.

c)Foods are transported over long distances to capitalise on the advantages of places in producing certain foods.

Transporting food also allows regions to specialise in producing the goods that they are best suited for Vermont, for example, has a short growing season, rolling hills and rocky soil-poor conditions for growing most crops, but suitable for raising dairy cows. Vermont dairy farmers produce far more milk and dairy products than its residents consume; the surplus is shipped to other regions of the United States.

解析: 这一段提到了第二个原因

观点 (翻译) : 让适合种植特定庄稼的地区能够受益

词汇: specialise in,suitable for,is shipped to


a)Transporting food also allows regions to specialise in producing the goods that they are best suited for.

b)A certain American region, for example, has a suitable season for raising dairy cows and the surplus dairy produce is shipped to other regions.



Many perishable foods need to be preserved to prevent spoilage and contamination during transit. Long-distance food transport makes reducing and reusing packaging extremely difficult. Pesticides, too, are used after harvest on fruit and vegetables to extend shelf-life and prevent damage in transport.

解析:这一部分主要从食品的存储和包装,讲述food miles对环境的影响。

观点: 很多易腐蚀食品在运输过程中需要包装、杀虫剂,因此造成影响。

词汇: perishable foods, Long-distance food transport,extend shelf-life


a)Long-distance food transport makes reducing and reusing pakaging extremely difficult.

b)Pesticides, too, are used after harvest on fruit and vegetables to extend shelf-life and prevent damage in transport.

The distance food travels influences not only the way it istreated before and during transit, but also production itself. In particular, food production for distant markets tends to involve specialisation, producing a narrow range of crops to compete in the glopal marketplace, as well as

concentration on varieties which store and travel best,rather than with better tastes or nutritional properties.Local varieties are thus being replaced by a few commercia varieties.

解析: 这一段讲述了food mile 对食物生产本身的影响。

观点 (翻译) 因为适合运输和储存的食品会更受欢迎,所以会被大量生产的农产品品种一般会局限为商业、不那么好吃有营养的品种。本地品种因而消失。

词汇: The distance food travels, before and during transit.distant markets,in the global marketplace


a)Local varieties are being replaced by a few commercial varieties which store and travel best.

b)Food transit for distant markets thus produces a narrow range of crops to compete in the global marketplace.


标签: 考试作文
